Thursday, May 7, 2009

Sunday in the Park...

I know that it has been an extremely long time, but I'm finally back!! Too much has happened recently, but I thought I might upload some picture so that you all could see what was going on. This first picture is some cupcakes I made. I love decorating desserts and so I have been practicing flowers. I think that I need to make a different kind of frosting though, I think it needs to be more stiff so that the flowers stay in shape.
These are the cupcakes I made for Jeff's birthday. I thought they were pretty cute and guyish.

Jordan took me to his Military Ball. It was one of the coolest things I've been to. The did a really amazing toast and all the ROTC guys were such gentlemen. And doesn't he look so good!!

Us together. Aren't we so cute together?!?

This is a license plate. It is significant.

And this is the car. This car is mine!!!!! Yay!!!! Or at least it is Mom and Dad's and they are letting me drive it at school. I love them so much!!!!
On Sunday, Emily, Melissa, Dan, Kevin and I went to Vivian Park to have a picnic. We planned out all the food and brought all kinds of games to play. It was one of the best Sundays I've had in a long time. This first picture is me trying to fly a kite. It just wouldn't get up in the air.
This is me on the blanket near the stream with our amazing food.
I just love this picture of Emily and me. We are just too cute for words.
This was our lunch. Chicken Salad Sandwiches, Almond Craisin Spinach Salad, Carrots and Celery with BYU Ranch, Crystal Light, and Chocolate Chip cookies. YUMMM!

So that's what I've been up to lately. Also I'm taking Dance 380, which is Advanced Social dance and I am loving it!! Also this coming monday I will start private voice lessons. I'm a little nervous, but my teacher seems nice. So yeah, we'll see what happens.

1 comment:

Mary Richardson said...

Laurel it looks like you are having a really fun summer so far! I have to say, you are seriously just one of the most all around talented people I know--you're so good at everything you do! And you and your brother of course look dashing together! You guys have such a good looking family! Well, I love you Laurel and I miss you! I hope your summer is amazing!