Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy Birthday to ME!!!!!

Me being kidnapped on my birthday!Red Robin!!
Suprise Party when we got home!!
The amazing cake that Emily made for me!!
As of November 5th, I was officially 21!! I must admit that I had a pretty good day. I had late class, like every Wednesday, but luckily my teacher did let us out 45 minutes early!! Yay!! Emily locked me in my room when I got home so that they could finish the cake and decoration, but told me to get dressed. When they were finally done they kidnapped me and took me to Red Robin. Mmmm!! When we got home they pushed me inside the apartment for a suprise party with all my friends. It was lots of fun, but tiring too. The last person left at 11:30, and I still had a major paper to write due Friday. Still the week was good. I got everything done and I am now pretty much free for the rest of the semester. No big papers that I know of, so life is good!!
What have I learned over 21 years of life? My family is the most important thing to me. I can't wait for every chance for us to get together and you never realize how much you miss them until they're gone. Education is imperative, although shouldn't take over your life; take time to enjoy the small things. Reading a book on the grass in the sun is so much better than watching television. Be nice to everyone, there is no reason to be angry or mad, it doesn't help anyone and only makes you feel worse than you did. Rely on the Lord, He knows so much more than we do and He will never leave us comfortless. Never base your worth on what others say; they just don't know what they are missing. Enjoy life and take opportunities to slow down and really appreciate what you have been given. I know I have learned so much more, but it's a start.


Anna said...

Happy happy birthday! We miss hanging out with you too!

Jamie said...

I miss you Happy Birthday I figure another large installment of clothes ought to buy you off for a while...he he....Shes so demanding...jk..anyhow can't wait to see you at Thanksgiving.