Saturday, October 3, 2009

Dinner Group!

I just had to blog about my Dinner Group. It is Monday through Thursday with eight of us that consider ourselves 'gourmet.' Well, on Tuesday it was my turn, and of course, being me I had to make an impression. So, I made Chicken Cordon Bleu, Spinach Salad (spinach, craisin, pecan, apple, mozzarella cheese salad with poppy seed dressing), Orange Glazed Carrots, rolls and a fruit punch drink. Oh, and my amazing brownies for dessert. Everyone enjoyed it to say the least. So, maybe one day I will be able to feed a husband and kids, huh?

1 comment:

therams said...

You would feed them better than I do. Granted, my husband doesn't really do vegetables, so there goes half the menu. But just wait until you have to think of something for dinner every night!