Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Oh Summer!

Well, to start off, I'd like to show you all what my new life consists of. Frisbee......and lots of it! Bryan is a lover of the game, and despite the fact that he says I don't have to come, I can't but help watch him. He's really quite amazing (and I'm only being a tiny bit biased). He loves it so much he even has me throwing around a frisbee once in a while---and I actually enjoy it! Shocking, I know. He even asked if I wanted to play in a tourney this weekend with his Orem team. (Apparently I'm not too bad at it.) I'm a little nervous because its been a while since I played on a team, and I don't want to disappoint him, but I think I'm up for a challenge right about now.

This is just a practice that he had on Saturday, but they are usually the most interesting because it's the best people on the "unofficial" BYU team.
I thought this was pretty cool. I don't use the sport setting on my camera much, but look at that cut! My man's a machine.

Later that day we decided to go on a hike up Rock Canyon. I have hated that the weather has been so crappy here lately. It's like summer isn't here at all. It rains all the time and is chilly. I thought this was supposed to be a desert? I must admit though, that all of that crappy weather certainly makes Utah green. It's really pretty now.
So Larissa, you can finally see our faces, how do we look?
This was a water fountain they have on the trail. It's just water that is constantly gushing out the tube. I put this picture here because that stupid fountain hated me. Everytime I'd go for a drink it would shoot up with more water pressure and get my face all wet. Argh!
I liked this picture because you can see how much water there is. Last year it was barely a trickle.
And this is us at the end of our hike. We didn't make it all the way to the top---I don't know if there is one---but it was a great hike and I'm certainly feeling it now.
I just wanted everyone to see how pretty Utah can be. I know that it's no Oregon or Washington, but it's way greener than Dallas or Vegas, so we appreciate it.

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